Cheap and easy hotel booking for companies

Reduce your travel costs by negotiating hotel rates. Do you need regular overnight stays in one place?

We will help you find the right hotel and negotiate favorable rates.


Book hotels cheaply and easily
for companies

Reduce your travel costs by negotiating hotel rates. 
From 50 nights per year.

Do you need regular overnight stays in one place? With us you will find the right hotel and book at favorable and negotiated rates.


MyFlexHome Business: The solution for efficient
and cost-effective hotel bookings

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Save on hotel costs with negotiated rates at your favorite hotels

Affordable & fixed hotel rates

Save up to 40% from the very first booking

One monthly invoice

for all overnight stays - employees do not have to advance any money

Easy booking & cancellation

with just one click

Rebooking service

The hotel is fully booked? We will automatically book you into the best alternative

Everything is set up in just 2 minutes!


Select favorite hotels

You get access to our negotiated rates
and choose the best options

Create account

You create an account incl. payment method and add your employees.

Book with one click

Book all overnight stays directly with just one click (self-service or central booking)

Your favorite hotel is not yet listed?

Let us know the hotel and we will negotiate favorable rates for you.

Customer example:

  • – Company headquarters in Munich
  • – 4-person team for 3 nights per week on site in Frankfurt
  • – Public rate: 110€ per night
  • – Negotiated rate: 80€ per night
Savings per year 17.280€ *
* Example with 4 employees with 3 overnight stays per week (on average)

Does that sound exciting? Make an appointment now or create an account directly.

Frequently asked questions:

Registration is quick and easy. Visit our website or register here. Once your account has been confirmed, you will receive immediate access to our negotiable hotel rates.

No, there are no hidden costs with MyFlexHome Business. The use of the platform is free of charge, only the booked overnight stays have to be paid for.

We offer a wide selection of hotels throughout Germany – from well-known hotel chains and serviced apartments to exclusive boutique hotels. You can filter the selection by location, price and facilities to find the best option. No suitable hotel yet? We also acquire new hotels on a customer-specific basis.

The hotel subscription is not automatically renewed. There is only a minimum purchase of 50 nights per year.

You can easily manage all bookings with our central dashboard. You can view, change and cancel bookings and even communicate special requests directly with the hotel. You can download a monthly invoice for all overnight stays directly from the dashboard.

You can pay your monthly bills by credit card, SEPA direct debit or bank transfer.


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