Living as an employee benefit

Offer your employees a solution on living in hybrid work models.

MyFlexHome as innovative employee benefit

The innovative employee benefit for your hybrid work model. Increase your employees' presence in the office.

Trend towards living as a benefit

The world of work is changing more and more, and hybrid work models are becoming increasingly relevant. Employees want flexibility and a good work-life balance, while companies are looking for new ways to do things. The aim is to increase the attractiveness as an employer and thus the satisfaction of the workforce.

With appealing employee benefits, companies attract new talent and retain their long-term workforce. At MyFlexHome, you'll find the New York housing solution you can use as an employee benefit. Discover the innovative hotel subscription that includes accommodation for employees at a fixed cost and at an affordable price. Take a closer look at the advantages of this subscription on

Hotel subscription from MyFlexHome

With MyFlexHome's hotel subscription, your employees can easily rent a favorite hotel for the period of their working days in the office. The exclusive subscription offers a variety of benefits, including discounted hotel rates by up to 60%. Numerous accommodations can be rented for four to 16 nights a month. This way, your employees enjoy the flexibility to use their hotel nights as needed.

Conveniently, unused nights can be moved to the next month. In addition, the subscription can be used flexibly and can be cancelled monthly. At you can find numerous accommodations nearby. Your staff will receive there the benefits of the hotel, combined with the comfort and privacy of their own apartment. Here they can concentrate fully on the work.

What other companies appreciate about us

Flexible cost split between company and employees

Companies can define an individual cost transfer name for each employee.

More satisfied employees in hybrid work models

Companies increase the credibility of their home office arrangement by offering a hotel subscription.

Support for the back-to-office strategy

A hotel subscription near the office encourages employees to return to the office.

Flexibility for your employees

MyFlexHome subscription allows your employees to work from anywhere without worrying about accommodation. Especially in today's world, where commuting often becomes a burden, the New Work housing solution is an excellent choice. Thus, the accommodation is simply adapted to the place of work. So your employees can spend in a cozy and comfortable hotel near the office or in a place of their choice. The perfect back to office strategy for your business!
Living as an employee benefit
Many employees face the challenge of either renting expensive second homes or taking on long commutes. With the MyFlexHome, you offer your employees an attractive all-in-one living solution. This allows them to conveniently move between different locations without worrying about leases or long-term commitments. This means more freedom and flexibility for your team.
Benefits for commuters - Offer MyFlexHome's hotel subscription for long-distance commuters to encourage sustainable employee behavior. Reducing commutes helps the environment and improves your employees' work-life balance. The hotel subscription is therefore not only good for your business, but also for our environment. This back to office strategy is an attractive way to bring long-distance commuters into the office.

Advantage for your company

Attract talent and professionals who do not live within daily commuting distance of their location. Offer your applicants and employees a hotel subscription for the days they are in the office, thus reducing commuter stress and improving the work-life balance.

Increase recruiting radius & attractiveness as an employer

Attract professionals who do not live within daily commuting distance and allow employees to freely choose where to live.

Tax-free employee benefit

Support employees with up to €1,000 per month.

Free platform & self-service for employees

The plug & play cloud solution is free for businesses. After the set-up, the employees book independently.

Expand recruiting radius

Are you looking for new employees and well-trained specialists? By subscribing to MyFlexHome as a component of corporate benefits, you have the opportunity to attract professionals from a wider area, as your potential employees do not have to worry about housing. This allows you to target top talent that may be outside the traditional commuting distance. In addition, the hybrid work model allows you to retain long-time employees with long commutes and make your company even more attractive. Hybrid work models are particularly advantageous for freelancers. The subscription to MyFlexHome supports the desire to work without being tied down. For individual projects, freelancers can easily rent a hotel near the office.

All-in-one living solution: Our hotel subscription is the perfect New Work housing solution, offering your employees a stress-free way to change their work location without worrying about housing. Simple, convenient and efficient, MyFlexHome Hotel subscription creates living in hybrid work models and is an effective back to office strategy. Tax-free housing allowance: The subscription can be provided as a tax-free housing allowance, which is beneficial to both your employees and your company. By offering your employees this attractive form of compensation, you can increase their satisfaction and reduce non-wage costs at the same time.

Benefit for your employees

Employees are free to choose their place of residence in hybrid work models and use the hotel subscription for the days they are present in the office. In doing so, they look for a suitable hotel and choose monthly at constant rates between 4 and 16 nights.

No time-consuming apartment or hotel search

Long-distance commuters in hybrid work models save themselves a tedious search for an overnight accommodation.

No second home tax

Tax advantage for employees due to the elimination of the second residence tax.

Pay-as-you-use and favorable rates

Employees pay only for actual overnight stays and benefit from favorable rates.

New talent with the New Work housing solution

Take the opportunity to inspire your employees and attract new talent with the New Work housing solution. Similar to a car subscription, flexible living as an employee benefit positions your company as an attractive employer. The affordable hotel subscription gives your employees the freedom they need in the new world of work.

Create a work environment with the MyFlexHome innovative living solution that keeps pace with the needs of your workforce and promotes their well-being.

How easy it is for employees to book with MyFlexHome

One-Click Booking

Book any night with just one click

Monthly term

no obligations - can be cancelled monthly

Flexible use

push unused nights to the next month*.

*maximum the number of nights of your active subscription

Frequently asked questions

The account at MyFlexHome costs you as a company and your employees nothing. For the hotel subscription that their employees book, they can cover some or all of the costs (0-100% cost coverage possible). By covering the costs, you make the New Work housing solution even more attractive.

With MyFlexHome, they offer their employees the housing solution in hybrid work models. For office days, employees book a hotel on a subscription basis at a constant price – comparable to a monthly apartment rent. With your company account you can invite any number of employees. The booking at MyFlexHome is made individually per employee and is carried out independently by the employee.

Advertise MyFlexHome’s innovative New Work housing solution in your job posting and provide your applicants in hybrid work models with a solution for their accommodation during their presence days in the office. This allows you to attract talent that does not live within daily commuting distance to your company (without them having to relocate).

After the employee has been invited by them, he/she can create his/her own account on MyFlexHome and look for the suitable hotel. The booking of the hotel subscription is done entirely through the platform of MyFlexHome. When paying can be between. 0-100% of the costs are covered by you as a company. This is possible individually per employee – ideal as an employee benefit.

In your profile you choose your preferred payment method (bank transfer, direct debit, credit card) and receive a monthly invoice from us for the support provided to your employees. Employees pay the remaining amount directly to MyFlexHome.

The hotel subscription has a minimum term of only one month and can be paused or cancelled at any time at the end of the subscription month. The selected cost coverage for their employees can also be adjusted on a monthly basis.


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